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*Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydration

*Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Build

*Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydrangea

*Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Download

*Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Full

I can no longer invade enemy after he does his gromp, kill him and take the blue, then gank mid and make a huge early advantage. Jungle was changed, Shaco was killed. Shaco was known for his Scaling, 100% bonus AD on E, 220% crit damage on Q 20% more dmg from backstab, the more burst items you had, the more AD you had, your damage was. Do you think rushing black cleaver is better then hydra?, i rush clever many times and the result is little ad so my true dmg doesn't do anything and nasus just life steal up, do you think its better to rush hydra like ussual and not fall for the BC noob trap?Not Updated For Current Season

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Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continuecreating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.Spells:GhostRanked #15 inTop LaneGet More StatsItemsAbility Order QEThis is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!MATH TIME!This is more of a build, not a guide, so have some MATH!(Note: numbers are approximate)Attack Damage from items:Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydration485Runes and Masteries:485 + 34 = 519Mastery Warlord - Increases bonus AD by 5%:519 x 105% = 545At level 18, Nasus has a base AD of about 113:545 + 113 = 658So Trinity Force's Spellblade's Damage would be:658 x 200% = 1316Plus you've got a 50% to deal CRITS!:Crit Damage: 1316 + (658 x 250%) = 2961Let's say Nasus' Q has 200 stacks!:2961 + 200 = 3161Q's base 110 Damage:3161 + 110 = 3271Don't forget your basic attack's normal damage with no abilities:3271 + 658 = 3929Mastery - Havoc: Increases damage dealt by 3%:3929 x 103% = 4047That's about a whuppin' 4000 DAMAGESo you can go about and 1 hit their AD-Carry to halt the enemy team's damages (and don't forget you lifesteal 36% of that 4047 damage, which would be about Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Build1457 health!), then 1 hit their AP-Mid so they'll stop Crowd-Controlling you which also gives you back all your health, then head over to the next possible squishy and 2 hit them, head to their tanks to 3 hit them, and go wreck their base!#GGWPDoes Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydrangea I'll explain quickly.Titanic Hydra is a good item for AA based bruiser. The lack of lifesteal and raw AD on it makes it so this item is not interesting for melee carries like {{champion:114}} or {{champion:23}} which is a good thing. Overall, I like the item and I think that it is well thought.Still, I have 2 problems with this item.Right now, Titanic Hydra deals too much damages thanks to its active. There are many champions that are not AA based bruisers (and even AA based Bruisers) that can abuse this item because of its active and how powerful it is and use Titanic Hydra as a 'burst item' similar to BORK when it was release or even old DFG (although not as powerful as these items were) for a deadly wombo-combo.My main concern with this item is that its active RESETS the AA timer. Just like Renekton's W, Nasus' Q, Jax's W and so on.I will take 2 (maybe 3) examples, they are maybe not the best, but I have seen them in ranked (plat 1 84 lp). {{champion:86}} => by combining many health items, even offensives one (for example BC + Titanic Hydra then full tank), he can abuse the combo AA + Titanic Hydra + AA + Q Active for a surprisingly SUPER HIGH burst attack in less than 0.5 seconds. Garen doesn't use his AA much even after his rework, but Titanic Hydra is right now, a core item for him for this only reason.{{champion:58}} => god Renekton ... This one is extremely stupid. Renekton has always been in a weird spot because of his W. He doesn't AA that much (although he still needs to do it to build Fury) but the long casting animation on his W has always made him a champion that loves everything that can 'break' the animation and this is why {{item:3074}} is so great on him.Just like Garen, Renekton can easily do a combo AA + Titanic Hydra + AA + W with Fury in less than 0.5 seconds and the result is a HUGE HUGE amount of burst damages. On a squishy target, in lategame, I did this combo and I inflicted 1000+ damages on my target (it was a {{champion:412}} Support). This is absolutely stupid.Same goes for {{champion:266}} . You could think that Titanic Hydra is garbage on him because of the lack of raw AD and lifesteal or AS, but it is not. Because the active resets the AA timer, you can use it to 'speed up' the number of stacks required to proc Blood Thirst or Blood Price. It is a LOT more powerful than {{item:3074}} own active for this only reason. Do 2 AA then, right after the second AA, use the active to unleah right away the 3rd and modified AA of Aatrox. The result is ugly, trust me.Yes it has a 20 seconds cooldown on it. But still, too many champions can abuse the active to unleash a stupidly overpowered combo in less than 0.5 seconds.**This is why I think Titanic Hydra deserves 2 nerfs :****1) the active now works like {{item:3074}} . No more AA timer reset to prevent abuse.****2) like {{item:3068}} , makes the active scales with champions level. Right now you can do super high damages with it in midgame and it only gets worse the longer the game is. Titanic Hydra's active starts at 6% max health and gains 1% scaling at lvl 6 / 11 / 16, ending at 9%. It will still be an excellent item for AA bruisers in midgame, but it will not be anymore a 'use active to instagib a squishy in midgame'.** Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra DownloadTitleBodyDoes Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Full


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